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By The Saints Forum
Character Bios
Many who saw some of my sneak peek jpgs while I was developing the comic will recognize the middle of this page. This frame is still one of the best ones I have done in the comic so far.

The bottom right corner is a frame I was going to lift for my origonal recruitment poster, but I decided to use the recruiting Sergent I drew during a rare slow mment at work instead.

I goofed up on the upper right frame, overdetailing the foreground at the expense of the town in the background, which was supposed to be the focus of the frame. Ah well that balanced the good middle frame. I have t have somethign to crab about dont I? =)

I finally set up a Forumat Talk about comics. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have there.

Finally, I do plan on adding link pages, background pages and such as I get some time. Hopefully work will quit beng a pain in the ass shortly so I can get caught up and add those luxuries. My priority is to get my comic buffer back to 3 months again before I work on those.

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"By The Saints" is written and illustrated by Chris Kozloski. All characters and images are © Chris Kozloski and are not to be reproduced or used without permission.