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By The Saints Forum
Character Bios
Not much to say on this one except the flashback s over and we are back to the "present"

I didn't get too much done on vacation. I shot close to 200 pictures of the Silverton Durango railroad, the old downtown portions of Silverton, and the old mine buildings, shaft heads and barracks of the San Juan Mountains. Lots of reference, (The long hollow pictures are going to be wow now) but I didnt draw a single line so I am another week and a half behind. Hopefully tomrrow will me a short day but the tropical storm has fallen apart and I dont think I will be shut down at work.

I am beginning to have second thoughts about this comic being a weekly affair. Hopefully once I get out of the night scenes and into the dialogues coming up I can make up my buffer again. I have 16 pages drawn but I have yet to scan and dialogue past page 12. =P I am not yet ready to go bi monthly but I may be forced to do drastic measures if my schedule doesn't get off crack and let me have some air...Come on Daylight Savings time.

Folks were asking about the main characters in the forum the other day. The characters you see here are Thaddeus Firepelt (Striped face and the rain cowl) Benjamin Tann (Militiaman with the hat and the mustached muzzle) and Sgt Sturm. (Sideburn ruffs).

Well I am off to bed. Back to the grind tomorrow. Damn! Vacations go fast.

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"By The Saints" is written and illustrated by Chris Kozloski. All characters and images are © Chris Kozloski and are not to be reproduced or used without permission.